Bridge Gospel Academy Applicationby ALACCAin Uncategorizedon Posted on August 24, 2020 Bridge Gospel Academy Application Application Date * School Year Applying For Name * Name First First Middle Middle Last Last Birthdate * Age Address * City * State * zip code * Phone (area code first) * Email * Name of Parent/Guardian Parents Phone Parent/Guardian Email Parents Address City State zip code High School * Graduation Date Church you attend? Pastor's Name EMMERGENCY CONTACT: NAME * PHONE (area code first) * Check all extra-curricular activities that apply to you: * Sports Academic Clubs First Aid Certification Singing Clubs/Groups School Clubs (non-academic) Lifeguard Certification Play Musical Instrument List any skills and/or talents in addition to the ones above that you have: Describe any previous Christian work/volunteer experience * Why do you want to Attend The Bridge Gospel Academy? * This is a Christian Discipleship School, with this understanding please write a brief testimony. * How much of the Bible have you read? * SomeMostAll What is your regular Bible study practice? * What is your regular practice concerning prayer? * Have you ever been convicted of a crime, including sex-related or child abuse offenses? If yes, please explain * REFERENCES Provide information below for two adults (not relatives) as references. One needs to be your pastor or Professor (if a college intern). (If you are related to your pastor please provide a reference from an associate pastor or church elder/deacon) Name of Pastor/Teacher * Address * City * State * Zip * Name of Reference * Address * City State * Zip * I Agree to the following I AGREE • This is a Christian school and as such will be taught Christian doctrine, philosophy, and teachings.• The professors and instructors will come from varying backgrounds and I will respectfully listen and participate in their instruction.• I will follow/adhere to all codes of conduct, rules, and regulations, including biblical instructions. Are you willing to work at camp the summer prior to classes? (June 2023-August 2023) Additional Comments My signature (Please type in your full name) Parent/Guardian Signature if under 18 (Please type in your name) Text Captcha If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit